
Donna McClellan

Donna McClellan

Donna McClellan


Flow on Thursdays from 7:30 – 8:30 pm.

What brought you to practice yoga?

I was drawn to yoga initially to help me unwind from a hectic, high stress, traveling insurance sales job. What happened next, I didn’t see coming. Yoga became the key to my success in the outside world by focusing my thoughts, strengthening my body, energizing my spirit and fostering creative and powerful ideas. My job has transformed as a direct result of my practice and I now have crested to heights of success I never dreamed possible before. Now, passing on the knowledge and gifts that I received from yoga has become a central theme in my life. I am so grateful for the practice!

What’s your favorite yoga pose?

Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose). Both for the intense, full stretch and being the symbol of connectedness between heaven and earth.

What do you think is the best thing about the practice of yoga?

Two things: 1) Yoga releases the best elements of who I am in all aspects of my life. It has become a loyal friend that never fails. It is the first and last place I turn to find peace, cope with stress, connect to joy, locate strength, bolster confidence, and restore and heal my body and spirit. 2) The benefits are universal. It applies to everyone, every age, every gender, any station of life. It’s so rewarding to connect authentically with everyone on this level.

Why do you enjoy teaching at Palm Yoga?

This is yoga “done right.” The small intimate setting creates the best personal experience between teacher and student and equally important fosters camaraderie and support between the students themselves.

Favorite inspirational quote:

“You always had the power.” – Glenda the Good Witch

“When you are ready for life, Life is ready for you.” – Bruce D. McClellan (my dad)




Donna in Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

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